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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Incoming EDI Inovice - service charge not apportioning

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We're having some difficulties with an incoming EDI Invoice file.

    When we loaded them, the servicecharge did not apportion to each line the way it did at v.16.

    Can you help me figure out how to get it to apportion?

    I see what the problem is. In EDI Invoices, you can put the additional charges in either the header of the invoice at the top, or in the summary at the bottom. It goes in the summary if the charges are already prorated in the individual line items, and you just want to summarize the charges. With this configuration, we ignore the charges since they are represented at the line item level. If they are not in the line items, then they go in the header.

    When the ALEPH software finds them in the header, you can either prorate them across line items, or create an additional dummy line item with just these charges. This second option is used if you have a separate budget for shipping charges, etc. ALEPH used to process these charges whether they were in the header or summary. We have now tightened processing and treat the amount different based on where it is located.

    The best solution is to ask the vendor if they can code these charges in the Invoice Header, rather than in the Summary. If they aren't able to do that, it may be possible to modify the Invoices from them before you load them. But if you do this, you have to be careful because these are multi-Invoice files. Each Invoice within each file will have to be corrected.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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