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    Indentifying ADM library for NCIP client using https transport

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    The instructions for implementing NCIP state that it is necessary to create an environmental variable in www_server.conf to associate a client with an ADM library on the server, e.g. setenv www_ncip_library_169.237.215.156 ABC50.

    1. If there is only a single ADM library, is it still necessary to define the variable or will the service default to the single ADM library in its absence?
    2. If the variable must be established even in the single ADM case, is there an acceptable form to specify that all client IP addresses use the same ADM?
    3. If the variable must be established even in the single ADM case, is there a way to specify multiple hosts simultaneously, say all hosts in a class C range or must all hosts be identified individually by specifying all 4 octets in the address?

    You always need to define this variable. Although you only have one local ADM, there is also definition of USM50 at a minimum. (You may want to use this ADM for testing purposes.)

    You also have to explicitly list each IP address that will be interoperating with an NCIP server in your environment. The program does not default or have a mechanism for indicating groups of IP's. I believe the principle used here was that there would be relatively few external applications interoperating with the ALEPH implementation via NCIP, so listing each would be feasible .

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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