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    Is there any limit on the size of tab37?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I'm about to make some changes to tab37, giving faculty an extra pick up location option. Our table is getting rather long, nearly 350 lines, so before I add many more, I thought I should ask whether there's any size limitation on this table.

    I could probably do it in a way that only adds 3 or 4 lines if necessary. But if it's not a problem, I will likely add 4 lines per sub library.

    tab37 is a bit fuzzy. There are no references to tab37 in the Cobol programs.

    The ./com_c/tab37.c program has this line:

    static int tab_no_lines[100];

    which would seem to indicate a 100-line limit, but if that were the case, your current 350 lines would not be working....

    { Note: The tab37_bk_pickup *does* have a clear limit. This line in ./alephm/source/TAB37_BK_PICKUP:

    VALUE 200.

    But I see that your tab37_bk_pickup has just a single line, so that is not a problem. }

    I guess you will just need to try it.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013