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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Item Values Not Found in Item Record After Running p_manage_500

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    When running p_manage_500, many of the item values, including barcode, call number, and description, should be extracted from the BIB record. This is supposed to be done using tab_mng500_translate. However only those values that are hardcoded are being put into created items. Item fields with a Mapping source value in column 3 aren't being inserted into the items.

    The p_manage_500 documentation describes col 3 of this table in section 2.2. However the sample table doesn't show how to use this column. The column is entirely blank. Consequently, I am looking at a sample table in USM01 $data_tab for the format. What is the correct format for this table?

    The values must exist in a mapping table (e.g., tab_mapping_mng500), then they can be "translated" to other values in the translate table (

    Note: The file should be loaded with p-file-04 (for large conversions, the util_conv was used to load the files).

    (keywords: p-manage-500 manage_500 p_manage_500 p_file_04 file_04)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013