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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Item record counts: monograph acquisitions statistics, etc.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Creation and generation of reports using some basic SQL queries via the MS Access application/interface. I had experience with Voyager before accessing the database and its Oracle tables using a read-only account. Our goal is to generate a variety of reports based on the statistic field in the item records. If it is possible, I may want to link the item table to the bib. record table so that I can generate a variety of reports based on library material types, e.g., serials and auction catalogs.

    Reports that I would like to generate from our system:

    1. Count of item records created on a monthly/quarterly basis based on the values entered into the "Statistic" field under the "General Information (2)" tab of the item record. (i.e., for our monograph acquisitions statistics, e.g., purchase, gift, exchange, etc.)

    2. Count of item records created on a monthly/quarterly basis for the following collections/collection codes: AUCT, AUCTO, AUCTF, AUCTR (i.e., our art auction catalogs statistics)

    3. Count of item records created on a monthly/quarterly basis with their bib. records encoded as serials (i.e., bib. level=s) (i.e., serials items statistics)

    4. Count of item records created on a monthly/quarterly basis with their bib. records encoded as serials (i.e., bib. level=s), AND the barcodes starting with the numeric sequence of 31876 (i.e., bound serials items statistics).

    There is no Aleph Service which produces item record *counts* of the sort that you describe, but the p_ret_adm_01 service (Cataloging -> Items -> General Retrieval Form) lets you retrieve sets of item records. The collection code and Statistic field value are among the fields which can be included on the form. You can search on Material type "ISSUE" to retrieve Serial item records and type "ISSBD" to retrieve bound volumes. (There is no ability to search on barcode prefixes, but this ISSBD will give you a list of bound volumes.)

    You could then take this list of items (on the Task List), transfer the file to the Local (upper) screen, and click "Print" on the far right. This should bring up the Print Preview. Then right-click and select Select All. Then right-click and do Copy. Then paste the copied file into a spreadsheet, and then count the number of rows in the spreadsheet.

    The Aleph Reporting Center (an add-on product) includes canned Collection Management reports which have counts such as the above.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013