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    Item shows time of “35:35 PM” on Cash Details, Loan tab.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    This is the z31_key field with the defective bytes ("3535"):

    001607538000010 000110089 201109022011090220110905100612

    and the z36h, showing the correct time of "11:35":

    02 z36h_time ....................201109051135404
    02 z36h_rec_key \
    03 doc_number .................001607538
    03 item_sequence ..............000010
    02 z36h_id ......................C3-000074394
    02 z36h_number ..................000110089
    02 z36h_returned_date ...........20110905
    02 z36h_returned_hour ...........1135 <--------

    You will note that 11:35 + 24:00 = 35:35.

    The following SQL shows that there are 437 cases in abc50 where the Returned time in the z31_key is greater than 24:00:

    abc50@ALEPH20> select count(*) from z31 where substr (z31_key,83,4) > '2400';
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    The following SQL shows the three most recent cases -- so the problem *is* continuing to happen:

    abc50@ALEPH20> select z31_rec_key, z31_key from z31 where substr (z31_key,83,4) > '2400' order by z31_date_x desc;
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    001607538000010 000110089 201109022011090220110905100612

    WB1116 201109022780717
    000002579000010 000110034 201108312011083120110902215723

    WB1493 201108252738851
    002122008000020 000109752 201108242011082420110825140618

    In Completed Step 49 (6/3/2010) of SI 8192-10796, McGill noted: "all the items for which this happens use fine type B - total hours, and col 11 is then set up for amounts per hour - i.e. multiples of 24, so e.g. 72000 is .05 a minute. The other point is that it seems to be happening to those items that are allowed to flip forward to the next day if due past closing time (col 27 is 1 or 3). Maybe that is when the extra 2400 sneaks in.." This was also added to the Issue record.

    I find that abc50 has 5 lines in tab16 with "B" as the Fine Method. These lines have blank in col. 27. tab17 has closing times after midnight for Sunday-Thursday:

    17A ######## 00 O 1200 2600
    17A ######## 01 O 0800 2600
    17A ######## 02 O 0800 2600
    17A ######## 03 O 0800 2600
    17A ######## 04 O 0800 2600
    17A ######## 05 O 0800 2300
    17A ######## 06 O 1000 2300

    Being looked at by Development.
    This issue is still open and was escalated to Development for further investigation <2011-09-11 01:00:01>.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013