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    Jobs to report patrons owing money

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    To produce a report of people owing money

    1, For a *report* of patrons owing money (rather than notices), run cash-02 (Cash Transaction Report).

    2. Use cash-06 (Print Notices to Users in Excess of Fine Limits) to print out notices to borrowers who have fines exceeding the amount defined in this service. One limitation is that it just prints a total, no itemization of what the money is owed for. Version 21 rep_change 2038 adds the ability to filter by either Patron Status, Patron Type or Only active patrons.

    3. An itemized Cash Statement letter can be produced for an individual user from the GUI Circ - User Display - Cash Transactions, by clicking on the "Print" button.

    4. The cash-05 batch job (Update Transactions To 'Paid') has an option to *not* mark as "Paid" and just print an itemized letter. It also allows for the specification of a date range in which the job looks for unpaid transactions. But unlike cash-06, it prints for *all* amounts; there is no allowance for a threshold under which the notice would not be printed.

    5. Use SQL. The Article " SQL to find sum of what patrons owe " (KB 8192-4249) has SQL to "produce a list of graduating seniors that owe the library money".

    6. Build 'Custom services' using SQL reports (if Oracle licensing allows it).

    7. Use cash-09 (Cash Export Report) for exporting cash transactions to the Accounting Office.

    Category: Circulation

    Subject: Cash management

    • Article last edited: 22-Oct-2018