Loan requests in www_opac
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
Our customer is using two ADM libraries and one BIB library. The problem is in the request of items. In detail when a borrower that belong to ADM1 requests an item of ADM1, than he is enabled to request items of ADM2. This doesn't happen if his first requests is on an item of ADM2. It seems that the successfull request of the first item override the check of the ADM library for the requests submited later.
The solution is to prevent the display of request links on the list of items if user hasn't the permission to request it.
It is possible by set the appropriate checks for stage PRE in tab_hold_request (xxx50).
The option to prevent display of the request link in Bib. request page, stage 1 exists in v16.02.
The suitable checks need to be defined in HL-GRP-PRE
Additional Information
hold request, bib request
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013