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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

Local Currency in cash transaction forms

  • Article Type: General
  • Product: Aleph
  • Product Version: 21, 22, 23


The system's local currency was changed in aleph_start, setenv local_currency from US to another currency. However, the cash transaction files still list "US dollars" as the currency. What other files need to be changed to have the GUI and transaction forms appear with the correct currency?


These GUI files in circ/tab/eng need to have the following lines changed:


PayToConfirm                  #Cash Administration  YN    Q Are you sure the library wants to pay the patron %.02lf US dollars ?
PayFromConfirm                #Cash Administration  YN    Q Are you sure the patron wants to pay the library %.02lf US dollars ?
PayFromConfirmChange          #Cash Administration  YNC   Q Are you sure the patron wants to pay the library %.02lf US dollars ?\n\nIf you choose "No" you may alter this sum.


PayCash.Static.PayToConfirm             #Are you sure the library wants to pay the patron %.02lf US dollars ?
PayCash.Static.PayFromConfirm           #Are you sure the patron wants to pay the library %.02lf US dollars ?


These forms in XXX01/form_eng will need to be changed, too:



<xsl:with-param name="line" select='concat("The sum of ", //sum, "  US dollars has been received from  ",//z302-name, " for the following:")'/>


<xsl:with-param name="line" select='concat("The sum of ", //sum, " US dollars has been received by ", //z302-name, ".####" )'/>


<xsl:with-param name="line" select='concat("The sum of  ", //sum, " US dollars in debit has been waived for ",//z302-name, " for the following:##")'/>

  • Article last edited: 10/8/2013