Logical Synonyms in parallel library
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
When manage-01 ("Rebuild Word Index") is run in parallel library xxx22, is it legitimate for xxx21's synonyms to point to xxx01? Can they be removed?
Pointing to xxx01 is legitimate, but since the xxx21 is not pointed to by any xxx01 synonyms, the synonyms in xxx21 are extraneous and can be removed.
Additional Information
List of logical synonyms at site in this particular case:
Main Live Bibliographic Library: XXX01:
Enter value for lib: XXX01
Z11 XXX22 Z11
Z13 XXX22 Z13
Z13U XXX22 Z13U
1st Parallel Bibliographic Library: xxx21:
Enter value for lib: xxx21
Z00 XXX01 Z00
Z0102 XXX01 Z0102
Z103 XXX01 Z103
Z95 XXX01 Z95
Z950 XXX01 Z950
Z97 XXX01 Z97
Z970 XXX01 Z970
Z98 XXX01 Z98
Z980 XXX01 Z980
2nd Parallel Bibliographic Library: xxx22:
Enter value for lib: xxx22
B95 XXX01 Z95
Z00 XXX01 Z00
Z0102 XXX01 Z0102
Z103 XXX01 Z103
Z50 XXX50 Z50
Category: Background processing (500)
Subject: Indexing (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013