Long name in field 852$$y
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Field 852$$y is created with a long version of the name from field 852$$b. Where does the long name come from?
852 L $$5Jo$$81.1$$bJo$$hMAG$$j04245$$ySkogsbiblioteket [SF y is created automatically]
The long names are created by expand_elib_klar in xxx01/tab/tab_expand which works the same as fix_elib_klar in conjunction with the settings in tab_elib_klar.
From the description of fix_elib_klar:
"Dette fix kan tilf?je yderligere felter eller erstatte delfelter baseret p? koder i delfelter.
Dette kan bruges til at lave klartekster p? koder i delfelter."
Additional Information
These special programs are used only by Scandinavian customers.
Category: Cataloging (500)
Subject: Items (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013