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    Lost book cash transaction created for item after it was returned

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 15.5

    Patron CF00264040 returned 4 books on 8/23/06 (charged on 7/8/06) that were 4 days late and paid the $1.25 fine for each book. The books were all discharged because ALEPH generated the $1.25 fine and the "cash history" shows the items were returned on 8/23. However, later the patron received "lost" book bills for the same 4 books.

    Two Loan records have been created for each of these books, each with a loan date of 20060708, loan hour 1214,
    but, judging by the z36_number (a unique sequential number assigned to each loan transaction), the second of each -- though given a loan date of 20060708 -- was actually created on 20060927.

    The most likely cause of this condition is a load of offline circulation transactions where the offcirc.dat transaction log wasn't cleared and transactions from a previous load have been reloaded.

    The following SQL can be used in version 16-up to check for such a condition:

    SQL-xxx50> select Z35_REC_KEY || ' ' || Z35_ITEM_SEQUENCE || ' ' || Z35_EVENT_DATE || ' ' || Z35_EVENT_HOUR from z35 where Z35_EVENT_DATE ^= substr (z35_time_stamp,1,8) and substr (z35_time_stamp,1,1) > '0'
    group by Z35_REC_KEY || ' ' || Z35_ITEM_SEQUENCE || ' ' || Z35_EVENT_DATE || ' ' || Z35_EVENT_HOUR having count (*) > 1;

    [Note: This doesn't work pre-16 because the z35_time_stamp field did not exist.]

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013