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    Mapping of 852 subfields in new HOL record?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    What controls the creation of a default 852 field when a new HOL record is created? Is it hard-coded?

    Two of our museums import RLIN records that have an 852 with several subfields in the BIB record, and they want to use the 852 to create an identical 852 in their HOL records when creating a new HOL record. (They've somehow set things up on RLIN so that the $b and $c in the RLIN 852 field match their sublibrary and collection codes in Aleph.)

    I looked at the /xxx01/tab_mapping* tables, but they seem to only apply to creating HOL records with services, rather than with the "manual" Create/Load record command in the Cataloging module.

    The create_hol_record program which generates the HOL record when you do Create/load in the Cataloging module reads the BIB record to get the call number, but it is not going to get the sublibrary or collection from there.

    The only thing I could think of would be to create the HOL records with p_manage_50 rather than the Cataloging client.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013