Millions of Z07 records in bib library
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
We find that there are 2,257,000 Z07 records in our bib library? Where did these come from? What should we do with them?
These Z07's are being produced by ue_08, via ue_11, as a result of an authority record load.
SQL-ABC01> select count(*) from z07 where substr (z07_sequence,1,4) < '2007';
returns 0 rows, indicating that all of the Z07s were produced by ue_08 (since there have been no other jobs running which might produce current-year Z07s).
The following SQL shows the date each Z07 waiting to be processed was created. All of the z07's from Nov. 26 and Nov.27 were created by the original ue_08.
abc01@ALEPH1> select substr(z07_sequence,1,8), count(*) from z07 group by substr(z07_sequence,1,8);
**** Hit return to continue ****
------------------------ ----------
20071206 253
20071212 1
20071127 241160
20071211 227
20071207 105
20071205 32
20071201 54
20071203 143
20071128 1223
20071129 120
20071204 377
**** Hit return to continue ****
------------------------ ----------
20071208 38
20071209 57
20071126 324552
20071202 25
20071210 170
20071130 83
I have run the following SQL to delete all the z07's from Nov. 26/27:
SQL> delete from z07 where substr(z07_sequence,1,8) = '20071126' or substr(z07_sequence,1,8) = '20071127';
565350 rows deleted.
Note: if the SQL shows records with z01_sequences like "1990..." or "1999...", those indexing requests were produced by GUI Cataloging or some other process and you do *not* want to delete them.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013