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    Missing characters in mail body of overdue notices

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20



    We have noticed that there are some characters in the mail body of overdue notices which are not printed: for example characters with accents, 'ñ' like in the word "España":

    * the mail body looks like this:
    Estimado/a usuario/a:

    La Biblioteca de Espa a le enva un mensaje en el archivo adjunto.

    Servicio de Pr stamo


    * but it should look like this:
    Estimado/a usuario/a:

    La Biblioteca de España le enva un mensaje en el archivo adjunto.

    Servicio de


    ..\Alephcom\tab\alephcom.ini was configured to sent e-mail from the Aleph GUI in uft-8 format:


    But the file ..\Alephcom\tab\spa\MailHead.dat itself was still in iso-8559-iso format.

    Convert the ..\Alephcom\tab\spa\MailHead.dat itself to utf-8 format under Unix with the following command:

    iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t UTF-8 mailhead.old > mailhead.dat

    Additional Information

    For further information regarding GUI e-mails and utf-8 format, please see article "E-mail from the GUI in UTF-8 format".


    Category: Circulation (500)

    • Article last edited: 16-Aug-2016