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    Modifying messages in www_f_heading

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I posted the following to ALEPH-NA list and the response was that it works fine for other v.18 sites. ANy suggestions as to why it isn't working for me?

    When we were on v.16 we toyed with turning this on in ###01/tab100:

    !# Values:Y N Default: N
    !# Type: Text; Max Length: 01
    !# tab100 of library: Yes; tab100_<server_type>: No.

    ! Y = When browsing in the Web OPAC, and an exact match is NOT found
    in the
    ! headings list/words list/direct index list etc., a message such as:
    ! [searched string] would have appeared here
    ! (taken from message No. 9982 in ./aleph/error_eng/www_f_heading)
    ! will appear immediately preceding the next best match in the list.
    ! N = Default value. The message will not appear in case an exact match
    ! is not found.

    Well, now we are v.18 and they want to try it again. I’ve set it up
    just the way I did in v.16 (as far as I can remember) but now I can’t
    modify the error text with html tags. They are presented literally on
    the OPAC screen. You can try a title browse for any garbage text like
    "mannnn" and see the result.

    The setting in ./aleph/error_eng/www_f_heading is:

    9982 L <strong>The search term [$1] would have appeared here</strong>


    We found that implementing rep_change 1503 in v18 (rpc 174 in v19) which provides for protecting the OPAC against malicious html scripts, does not allow html tags modification on the web pages.

    Removing the XSS-VALIDATION=Y from the $alephe_tab/tab100 will allow the html tags to display.

    Same for v18 and v19.

    Additional Information

    web, html tags, www_f_heading

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013