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    Multi-ADM tab18.eng settings: one ADM's tab18.eng is affecting all tab18.engs

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    The ABC50 ADM library defined a $2.00 fine for loans in RICL sublibrary in their tab18.eng.

    Many sublibraries reported that in the last few days, several cash transactions were generated for loans, with the following description : "Book Loan Club", this is the description associated with the following line in ABC50/tab/tab18.eng:

    0004 RICL ## Y 2.00 Book Loan Club

    In your current setup, the ABC50 ADM is the only ADM in the system that charges for loans; all other ADMs have the 0004 transaction commented out.

    It's not recommended to have these transactions commented out as they will not appear in the circulation logs and will be missing from some circulation reports.

    If you don't want money to be charged for these transactions, allow the lines in tab18.eng to remain active, but set col. 4 (charge $$?) to "N".

    Please try the following:

    1. DEF50/tab/tab18.eng - activate the 0004 transaction as follows (it will record the transaction in the log but will not associate a charge because of "N" in col. 4):

    0004 ##### ## N 0.00 Loan

    2. ABC50/tab/tab18.eng - re-activate the following lines:

    0004 RICL ## Y 2.00 Book Loan Club
    0004 ##### ## Y 0.00 Loan

    3. Restart the pc_server

    4. Do a test loan in DEF50 and there should no longer be a $2.00 charge.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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