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    Multiple lines for course (one for each doc) in Course Number Browse

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    When we search by Course Number in v19 it shows us the course number n+ times for every document attached to the course (under the column header 'Index') and a link to the document (under the column header 'List Entry').

    We would like this to appear as other Browses do, that is, with a count of the number of documents in the left-hand column ("No. of Recs") and a link to the course brief display (under the column header 'List Entry').

    Looking in View Source -- and the ./www_f_eng/scan-include-2-abc30 screen it comes from -- we see that the index code for the Course Number search is "CNO".

    In this library, the CNO index is a direct index ("H CNO IND" in tab00.eng). The above is how Direct indexes display in the Browse.

    In the distributed v18 and v19 usm30 tab00.eng, "CNO" is also an ACC Browse index.

    Since it is confusing and undesirable to have the same index code for two different indexes, we suggest that you change the Browse Index code to "CNU". (We are requesting that the same change be made in the distributed usm30 files.) Change:

    H CNO ACC 11 00 00 Course Number


    H CNU ACC 11 00 00 Course Number

    In the ./abc30/tab/tab11_acc, change "CNO" to "CNU".

    Also change the ./www_f_eng/scan-include-2-abc30 screen to use "CNU" instead of "CNO". Change:

    <option value=CNO $$5000-S"CNO">Course number</option>
    <option value=CNU $$5000-S"CNU">Course number</option>

    All occurrences of "SCAN_CNO" in the www_f_eng files need to be changed to "SCAN_CNU". At different sites we have found all of the following files with "SCAN_CNO" in them:


    After these changes, the Course number Browse has just the correct single line for each course (with the number of docs).

    Note: As described in the tab00.eng header, the CNO Direct index must *not* be renamed. It's the CNO ACC index which you want to rename.

    We are requesting that the CNO ACC code be changed to CNU ACC in the distributed USM30.
    This issue is still open and was escalated to Development for further investigation <2009-07-12 01:00:04>.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013