Need to extract serial data
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
From our Aleph database, we are trying to extract a list of all serial bibliographic records and any corresponding 866 fields that exist in the serials' holdings records. The list needs to include each serial bibliographic record followed by any and all 866 fields that were in it's corresponding holdings record. The list must be in MARC or MARCXML format. I know that the retrieve records functions in the services menu in cataloging can produce a list of records in these formats. However, we are unable to determine how to pull this information through the retrieval functions in the services menu. Our IT department spoke with Greg, who said that this type of list or report was possible through the services menu. Can we get a list of the steps we need to take in order to do this?
thank you,
Jennifer [ <Michael Godow > ]
[ <Randy Menakes > ]
[ <Randy Menakes > ]
[ <Randy Menakes > ]
Here are the recommended steps:
1) Add a line to tab_expand in XXX01 that looks like this:
XPTSER expand_doc_bib_hol_usm_2
(This expand should embed the 866 from the holdings record into the exported bib.)
2) Retrieve a list of all the serial records using p_ret_03. Use this CCL command to get the serials:
3) Use the output file from the p_ret_03 job as input to p_print_03. For p_print_03, use these parameters:
Output file = <whatever you want to call your MARC file>
Field 1 = ALL
Format = MARC
Expand Routine = XPTSER
Character Conversion = UTF_TO_MARC8
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013