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    New courses duplicated in CourseNo. Browse list; omitted from other Browse index

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    Every new course we add ends up displaying twice in the OPAC (using U-COURSE_RESERVES).

    But only the course number gets indexed - not the instructor, or course name, or dept. Things aren't indexing in the GUI either.

    An example of an instructor who is being omitted is "Atkins".

    Though the filing text of the two Z01's which are appearing in the Course Number ("CNS") Browse index are the same, there's a difference in the z01_display_text and the z01_normalized_text which has caused a second z01 to be created. In the first case, the subfield codes are being included, and in the second, not. What is included in the z01_display_text and the z01_normalized_text is controlled by the xxx30 tab_filing. It seems there must have been a change to this at some point....

    Running p_manage_02 corrected this problem.

    The non-inclusion of Atkins as an instructor (the INS index) is similar....

    It is being filed under "1 Atkins":

    02 z01_rec_key \
    03 acc_code ..............INS
    03 alpha .................L
    03 filing_text ...........1 ATKINS
    03 filing_sequence .......97627
    02 z01_acc_sequence ........000397627
    02 z01_normalized_text .....$$-1$$-atkins
    02 z01_display_text ........$$81$$aAtkins

    The "1" is coming from the $$8 subfield.

    The usm30 tab11_acc is not specifically *excluding* the $$8, but it is *including* only one specific subfield in each case:

    CNO-0 CNO a
    CNO-0 COU b
    CNO-2 COUIN a

    Updating the tab11_acc and re-running p_manage_02 corrected this problem also.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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