No 863 Field Created by Fix Record Option
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Why isn't an 863 field created in the Holdings record when we run the Summary Holdings fix from the Edit Actions > Fix Record menu?
An error message was occuring when viewing the [K] Check In node:
Remote Service Error (c0309 get 14)
Subscription No. 1 is out of item issue date
The error message was caused by one issue/item associated with the HOL record that had an Issue Date field containing an earlier date than the Subscription From Date (in the [L] Subscription node > bottom right pane 2. Subscription Info tab). It happened every time one clicked on the Check In node because the problem was in the default record (oldest not arrived).
This problem was corrected by going to the [M] Item List node and checking the Issue Date fields of the first few issues/items and finding the problem record. The date was changed (from Feb to Apr, matching the beginning of the subscription) and the Issue/Item updated.
Once that was done, the 863 field was correctly created in the Holdings record and the 866/Summary Holdings field correctly displayed in the OPAC.
After the correction and applying the fix to the record, this virtual field appears in the Holdings display ():
Summary Holdings v.1:no.3-6(2010:May-Nov.)
Since it is a virtual display, it does not appear in the Holdings record as viewed in the GUI.
The fixed is provided by the XXX60/tab/tab_fix table:
HSTMT fix_doc_hld_stmt GET_Z30_BY=HOL
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013