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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    No Bib. Info in Cash Transaction when Lost item is moved to another bib record

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    When the holdings of one bib record are merged to another bib record, any item that is checked out and lost on the first bib record will lose its title in the Cash transaction tab. It will not link to the new bib record. Loans will link to the new bib record, and overdue fines in the cash transaction tab will link to the new bib record. But Lost cash transactions will still link to the old record, even though the holdings have been moved to a new record.

    If the old record is deleted, it will say "No Bib. Information" in the Cash Transaction tab.

    The lack of a title in the cash transaction tab makes it difficult for staff to collect fines for the correct item, as well as affecting cash transaction reports.

    As the Loans and the Overdue fines can link to the new bib record, it seems there must be a way to make the Lost cash transaction link to the new bib record. Can you tell me how?

    For existing cash records which have this problem, you can use SQL to change the first 15 bytes of the z31_key (which corresponds to the z30_rec_key) in the z31 cash record. (Note: this is the z31_key *not* the z31_rec_key.) You should first back up the z31 table, using p_file_03.

    This is described in KB 8192-1255.

    If you have this problem and are concerned about it on an ongoing basis, please contact .

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013