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    No Email Errors generated despite adding v20 Rep change 2051

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    When I send email notices, I do not get any error message within Task Manager if one is undeliverable. I have implemented rep change 2051 and I do see the Errors node under Print History, but it is always blank, even if there are undeliverable emails. I know it is difficult to diagnose email errors because you don't have the local files and configuration, but I thought you might have heard of this issue before.

    KB 27796, for v20 rep_change 2051, talks about this "E-mail Errors Management" feature.

    For the email address that is incorrect - is it the username portion of the email address or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that is incorrect? Remember that the error message you are expecting to see will appear if an error can be detected prior to the email being sent - thus an illegally formed email address or a problem with the FQDN. The error message will not appear if the error can not be detected prior to the email being sent - for example a typographical error in the username portion of the email.

    Consider my email address: will not generate an error in the client since it is a legally formed email address and the FQDN is valid will generate an error in the client, even though it is a legally formed email address, since the FQDN is invalid will generate an error in the client since it is not a legally formed email address and there is no FQDN to validate.

    [From site:]

    That is exactly how I was testing it, by just changing my name! I tested again with incorrect format and then with an invalid FQDN and I do get the correct error messages.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013