No z69 data for xxx30 library
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
We were trying to get statisitics on howmany times our course reserves (base "ABRSV" that we created in tab_base.eng) has been searched in our catalog. However, I noticed there is no z69 data in our ABC30 library. This is the first time we are looking for these stats so I don't know if the z69 has never been populated or should be.
You need to add the z69 to your abc30 file_list and do util a/17/1 in abc30 to create it.
Z69 has been added to the $aleph_root/tab/file_list.COURSE template with
V19 - rpc #709
V20 - rpc #123
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013