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    Non-item charges {such as, patron card renewal (0022)} don't appear in GUI Cash

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I added a renewal fee to abc50/tab/tab18.eng for a specific patron status.
    !1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    0022 ##### ## 56 Y 25.00 Area Resident Library Card Renewal

    When I click on the "Renew" button for a test patron, the cash transaction $25 fee appears in the Circulation Log but is not reflected in the GUI Cash [due] balance. The patron's online account (seen in the OPAC) reflects the charge.

    What do I need to do to make this appear in the GUI cash balance due?

    Most cash transactions are connected to a particular item (overdue item, lost item, etc.) and have the item's sublibrary code as the z31_sub_library. But the type 17, 21, 22, and 23 transactions are not connected to a particular item and have the xxx50 ADM library as the z31_sub_library value:

    ! 0017 Issuing Library Card
    ! 0021 Local Patron Registration
    ! 0022 Local Patron Renewal
    ! 0023 New Patron

    The xxx50 tab_sub_library_attr table has type "6" lines for sorting of cash transactions.... "Only the transactions of the libraries that are registered here will display."

    I find that the abc50 tab_sub_library_attr has these lines:

    ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    *.*.*.* 1 BROMN
    3 BROMN
    5 BROMN
    6 BROMN

    This needs to be changed to the following:

    ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    *.*.*.* 1 BROMN
    3 BROMN
    5 BROMN ABC50
    6 BROMN ABC50

    (and the pc_server restarted to make the change take effect).

    The distributed usm50 tab_attr_sub_library had "USM50" in the "5" line but was missing in the "6". v20 rep_change 3590 has corrected the distributed usm50 tab_attr_sub_library.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013