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    Non-requestable items don't display on BIB-Request / Title-request pages

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Certain serial titles are missing items in the BIB-Request page (as compared to the OPAC Holdings Page). (The same is true of the Title-level request display.)

    Example One (two items total display in OPAC Holdings (both requestable, not "like" items), apparently only one in BIB-Request process, as the user is automatically forwarded on to the item-request page)

    Title: Norton annual survey of bankruptcy law

    OPAC Holdings page:

    OPAC BIB-Request page:

    Example two (18 items display in the OPAC Holdings page, but only 17 items appear in the BIB-Request page (missing item is a non-requestable Current Periodicals issue, v41-45 no.3)

    Title: American Theological Library Association. Newsletter

    OPAC Holdings page:

    OPAC BIB-Request page:

    The reason the Title Request displays for "Norton annual survey of bankruptcy law" and "American Theological Library Association. Newsletter" lack items which *are* included in the Holdings display, is that the Title Request display includes only items which are actually requestable: the items which are missing from the Title Request display appear without the "Request" button in the Holdings display.

    From Ex Libris: Non-requestable items are not displayed in the Title Request items list. This would be an enhancement request.

    This issue is still open and was escalated to Second line support for further analysis <2010-05-02 01:00:05>.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013