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    Number of zeros inserted when util g/2 Suppress = "N"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    When we specify "N" for Suppress Leading Zeros in a util g/2 counter for a particular library, the number of zeros inserted in front of the Value is always 9 minus the number of characters in the Value, that is, a value of "12345" will have four zeros inserted, making "000012345".

    If we have a 4-character Prefix value and if, as is the case with the last-bor-id:

    Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix
    -------------------- --------- -------- ---- --------------------
    10. last-bor-id 12345 N S ABC-

    the field in which the value is to be used {the z303_rec_key (the Aleph-assigned patron ID)} is only 12 bytes, the last byte (of the the z303_rec_key) will be truncated.

    For example, if we have a prefix of ABC- and a value of 000012345, the resulting complete value will be "ABC-000012345". But the z303_rec_key is only 12 bytes, so the key actually stored is "ABC-00001234".

    As can be seen in the ./alephm/source/copy/Z52, the z52-SEQUENCE (the "Value" column in util g/2) is 9 bytes:


    The number of zeros inserted will always be 9 minus the number of characters in the Value.

    There are only two solutions to this problem:

    1) Specify a shorter prefix. In the case of the last-bor-id this would be a prefix of three characters or fewer.

    2) Specify Suppress = "Y".

    In regard to other parameters: most of the targets of these parameters are 20 bytes or longer so there is usually no problem, but it is good to follow these rules:

    If you want to specify "N" for Suppress for a parameter which has "N" in the USMnn util g/2 example, don't specify a Prefix which is longer than the one which you see in the distributed.

    If you want to change "Y" to "N" for a particular parameter, then consider whether the length of the Prefix + Value is greater than the length of the target.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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