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    OPAC www_z37_recall_type is '01' but item cannot be recalled -- what happens?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We want OPAC users to be able to place a hold on items at bindery (item process status 'SB')

    Item processing status SB is defined in tab15.eng as allowing holds with no availability check (column 8 = C) but recalls are not allowed (col 13 = N)

    The result is that when an attempt is made to request an item from the bindery in the OPAC, the user gets error message 1135: "User has exceeded the number of hold requests allowed." (the error message isn't very helpful, but it does make sense since the default request type is recall, and recalls are not allowed, i.e. # of 'requests' allowed is zero)

    Can you think of a way around this? We want online users to be able to request bindery items through the opac.

    I get the same results when i change tab15.eng to allow recall of items with ips= 'SB' .

    Error message 1135 is invoked when:

    1. check_hold_request_h is specified in tab_hold_request; and

    2. the tab16 col.13 (maximum number of hold requests) value (for the SB item-process-status) is exceeded.

    (After the subsequent problem with Circ client crashing looking at holds:) This seems similar to KB 16384-2273. Please check that and make sure, as described there, that you have the current circ.exe.

    [From site:] it turns out the test client does not match the production client, i.e. isn't the 1411 version.

    So now we can place opac holds on bindery items. I just have to discuss with staff the implications of removing the check_hold_request_h.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013