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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Oracle file system runs out of space

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Oracle file system runs out of space; a disk with Oracle files runs out of space. (This may especially occur when running an index job with archiving on.)

    This is probably due to the growth of the archive logs.
    If archiving isn't turned off, then index jobs can cause large additional archive logs to be generated.
    These can be found in the /exlibris/oradata/aleph[ver]/arch directory (for example, /exlibris/oradata/aleph20/arch).
    If you see files there which are more than several weeks old and you do regular complete backups, then you may not be compressing or deleting these files as you should be. Once you have a complete backup, the archive logs which pre-date that backup are no longer useful. The archive logs are only used for forward recovery from the point of the last complete backup.
    You may need to logon as the Oracle user ("su - oracle") or su to root with the root password, then su to oracle in order to delete them. Once logged, delete, compress, or move the files which pre-date your last complete backup.

    Also, UTIL-O-7-2 will turn off the archiving to prevent this from happening again.

    Additional Information

    Oracle, file system, space, index, archiving, archive logs

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013