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    OvP: How to set up hold checks

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Which tab_hold_request settings apply to OvP and hold requests from Primo?

    Aleph-Primo interoperability: Hold requests and tab_hold_request-checks for OvP (OPAC via Primo)

    Aleph has the following types of hold requests:

    1) Item-level — This request displays at the item level, but it is made for all “like copies” as defined in the relevant tab100 settings. This is the most frequently used type (on Primo Location tab).

    2) Title-level (Consortial) — This request displays at the title level, and is made for any item linked to the bibliographic record. This type of request is used when PDQ is active. The “like copy” definitions are not active in this case (on Primo Request tab).

    3) Title.level (Institutional) — This request displays at the title level, but it is made on a group of items, and the “like copy” definitions are active. In essence, this type of request is the same as the item?level request because the user must select a group of like items. The request just displays them in a different format (on Primo Request tab).

    In principle, there are 2 types of active hold requests in Primo:
    Title-level requests in the Request tab
    Item-level requests in the Locations tab

    If your institution uses the title-level request, you have probably suppressed the item-level request in the Aleph configuration. In this case, item-level requests are not possible in Primo. If your institution uses the item-level request, you will be using both the item?level and the title-level (institutional) request in Primo. To ensure that these types of requests are consistent, it is important to configure the checks in the following pre-check sections in tab_hold_request the same way:
    PRE — This section is used for item-level requests.
    HL-GRP — This section is used for title-level (institutional) requests.

    NOTE: The HL-GRP-PRE section applies only to sites with multiple ADM libraries and is used to remove specific ADMs from the items that can be requested. Since Aleph sends Primo items only from ADMs in which specific users are allowed to perform requests, you should not have to set up this type of check for OvP configurations.

    Configuration Parameters To configure OvP, Aleph has added the following parameters:
    CONSORTIAL-HOLD-REQUEST—This parameter is defined in the alephe/ tab/tab100 table and is relevant to consortial title-level hold requests described in the previous section. If you use consortial title-level requests in Aleph and want to display title-level information in Primo, set this parameter to Y. The default value is N.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013