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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Patron cash record with "Loan" or "Renewal" as the Description and 0.00 amount

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    Our Circulation dept. has called to say that all of a sudden they are getting bills for patrons returning items late in Reserve even though it is only a few hours late.

    An example is patron ID68077. The Cash screen shows "Loan" or "Renewal" as the Description and 0.00 as the amount.

    We see that these z31 cash transactions created for patron ID68077 on April 15 have a z31_type of 4 or 5 and an amount of zero:

    SQL-ABC50> select z31_sum, z31_type from z31 where z31_rec_key like 'ID68077%' and z31_date_x = '20080415';
    Z31_SUM Z31_TYPE
    -------------- ----------
    00000000000000 4
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 5
    00000000000000 4

    The z31_type 4 is a charge which is made for simply checking out an item;
    5 is a charge which is made for simply renewing an item.

    These are the relevant lines from the abc50 tab18.eng:

    !1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    0004 ##### ## N 0.10 Loan
    0005 ##### ## N 0.50 Renewal

    This from the tab18 header explains columns 4 and 5:

    ! COL 4. 1; ALPHA {Y,N}, UPPER; ;
    ! Activate;
    ! Y/N
    ! Y = register cash transaction
    ! N = do not register cash transaction. In this case
    ! cash transactions of this type will be registered with
    ! the value 0.00 without regard to tab18.eng col.5 or the
    ! the value set in the pertinent table ...

    The combination of "N" in column 4 with a value in column 5 seems incorrect. If it is your intention to not charge patrons or create cash transactions for checking out or renewing items, you should have this in tab18:

    0004 ##### ## N 0.00 Loan
    0005 ##### ## N 0.00 Renewal

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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