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    Pattern Changes: summary holdings statement reads v.15-14

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We are having trouble changing a pattern for a serials. Vol. 1-14 had the pattern of vol. + year. Beginning with volume 15, the year is omitted. We deleted the first 853X and created a new 853/853X pattern to begin with vol. 15. We received vol. 15, but the summary holdings statment reads v.15-14. I think it's because of the sort where blank for year (vol. 15) comes before a real year (vols. 1-14), but I don't know what I need to do to fix it.

    Instea of deleting the orignial pattern, you should create a second 853/853X combination for the new pattern.

    For example:
    853 L $$av$$81$$i(year)$$wa
    853X L $$9001$$81$$a1$$i1992$$319920301

    You need to generate the holdings summary for this run first.
    Then create the new pattern:
    853 L $$av.$$wa$$82
    853X L $$82$$91$$a15$$320060301

    When you create the following S63 field:
    S63 L $$a15$$t1
    the holdings summary will be generated for the new pattern.

    This gave me the following holdings summaries:
    86340 L $$81.1$$a1-14$$i1992-2005$$t1$$9Y
    86340 L $$82.1$$a15$$t1$$9Y

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013