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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Printing Bills after an interrupted print job.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    Our circulation department keeps the print daemon running all day and shuts down the computer each night. Currently notices and bills are scheduled to print out in the morning and evening. Yesterday, however, bills were attempting to print to a printer that was out of toner, so the print file was archived on the server in XXX50 in the print/save-2010-07-08 directory.

    My understanding was that if I moved it back up one level to the print directory, The daemon would pick it up and print the bills. That did not happen.

    I cannot find any documentation on this nor can I find anything in your knowledge base or past incidents. Would you please advise on what else I need to do to print these notices? We would like to have the print daemon grab the whole file and print them rather than having to go to the print history and print out each notice one by one because there are over 200.

    The Word document "How to set up and use the Print Daemon", attached to KB 7241, describes print daemon functionality. The print daemon requires the appropriate print ID in order to print a file. (I don't *believe* that the process of printing the file and placing it in the SAVE directory would cause the print ID to be eliminated, but you should check this.)

    The other thing to consider are the "Local" and "Remote" sections of the Task Manager - File List. Once you have moved the file to the top level of the print directory you *should* see it in the Remote section. In order to print it you need to move it to Local section by highlighting it in the bottom frame and then clicking the up arrow which separates the two frames.

    It may be that the Print Daemon will then see the file and automatically print it (if it has the correct suffix). In any case, since we are just talking about this one file, this one time, you don't need for the Print Daemon to print it. You can just highlight the file in the Local directory and click Print yourself.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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