Printing barcodes
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Printing out the Patron Circulation Summary from the Global Patron Screen, on some clients the user gets a printout with the barcode as image. In others, the user gets a printout with the barcode as text. We haven't tinkered with the form so the original xsl is intact. I've checked the Alephcom/font.ini on a machine that prints as image and on one that prints as text, it's the same. So, why the difference? Anything I'm missing? Also, I want to be sure an item list created by a General Retrieval Form (ret-adm-01) creates a list of items and barcodes that displays the barcode as a wandable image.
[Note: the following solution speaks of Internet Explorer settings, which would be relevant to Web display but not GUI. See KB 15206 for a solution for GUI display problem.]
Check the Internet Explorer settings on the machines which are not printing in barcode font -- the barcode font will not print if the Internet Options/Accessibility setting for "Ignore font styles specified on Web pages" is checked off. (In the cases where the barcode does not print in barcode font, the barcode has an * before and after the barcode.) Of course, you need the "Ignore font styles" box checked off for most diacritics and original scripts to print, so you will need to decide if the ability to print barcodes is more important than printing the diacritics or orininal scripts.
Additional Information
printing, barcodes
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013