Problem with Javscript in Aleph printout
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
* small javascript was added to hold-request-slip-02 print template. This Javscript goes to a webpages, gets a specific image from that website and adds it to the Aleph receipt.
* when there is a receipt generated by Aleph it automatically opens a preview screen in Aleph. Once this happens there is a Internet Explorer Script Error. BUT, the script is correct.
* when testing the script by generating the specific receipt outside of Aleph in the browser, it worked without errors.
For the print preview, Aleph uses the Internet Explorer.
More specifically, Aleph uses the IE Web Browser ActiveX control installed on the PC.
In the Internet Explorer installed on the PC where the Internet Explorer Script Error occurs, most of the ActiveX settings (e.g. allow scriplets) are on disabled.
Enable the Active-X settings in the Internet Explorer installed on the PC.
Additional Information
To print the logo, it is not necessary to use a Javascript. The logo is successfully printed without using any Java script, by simply putting the image link in the print template.
Category: Printing (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013