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    Process to back up doc records before overwrite with p_manage_18

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We batch load records in overlay mode on a regular basis, and it is time-consuming to export the entire Z00 using p_file_03. Is there some way we can back up just the records which will be updated?

    If you are loading bib records which were sent to a vendor for processing (using p_print_03), you should save the p_print_03 output file which you sent to the vendor, so that it can be used to recover the pre-processing versions of the records, if necessary. If you have deleted this -- or if it lacks certain tags, such as alphabetic tags -- and you still have the file of record numbers which was input to p_print_03, you can use that to re-extract the records (with p_print_03) prior to running p_manage_18.

    Or, if you are using p_manage_36 for matching, you can do this:

    1. > csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_36 MIT01,file,,file.un,file.multi,OCLC,MLT, [version 18]

    In addition to the specified output files, you get a file of the system numbers of the matched records: $data_scratch/b_manage_36 (this name is hardcoded in the program), suitable for use as input to p_print_03. You need to move it over to $alephe_scratch:

    > cp $data_scratch/b_manage_36 $alephe_scratch/file.36log

    2. Use p_print_03 to export a copy of the matched records from the database:

    > csh -f $aleph_proc/p_print_03 MIT01,file.36log,ALL,,,,,,,,file.export,A,,,,Y, [version 18]

    Now you can safely overlay your doc records with p_manage_18, and have a set of backup records to restore if there's a problem.

    > csh -f $aleph_proc/p_manage_18
    MIT01,file.load,matchbad,file.load.sysno,OLD,NEW,,FULL,MERGE,M,OCLC_TO_UTF,OVERLAY-33,loader,00,1995, [version 18]

    KB 8192-496 is a similar record for p_manage_21 / p_manage_37.

    Additional Information

    p_file_03, batch load, overlay mode, Z00, faq

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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