Putting block on additional renewals when 3-renewal limit has been reached
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Currently, we allow patrons 3 renewals per book title for titles in regular loan.
Is there any way we can place a block on either the book or the patron when the 3-renewal limit has been reached?
When tab_check_circ has these lines:
RENEW check_circ_3
RENEW-WWW check_circ_3
X-RNW check_circ_3
tab16, col. 21 "Maximum renewals", is checked. If this renewal would exceed the maximum, then the following message (./error_eng/check_circ: 0161) is displayed and the renewal is blocked:
Renewal limit reached - No. of renews: $1 Limit: $2.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013