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    Recall Answer error response

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    Problem Description:
    1) Recall date is not sent from lending to borrowing library
    2) Lending library can not set new due date

    Actual Results:
    1) When a lending library changes the status of an ILL loan to recall the recall due date is not passed to the borrowing library.
    2) When a borrowing library attempts to update the new due date they receive the error message "New date must be later than today and original date".

    Expected Results:
    1) When a lending library changes the status of an ILL loan to recall the recall due date is passed to the borrowing library.
    2) When a borrowing library updates the new due date they are limited to a day later than today and earlier than the original date.

    Fixed in v20. rc 3767
    Fixed in v21. rv 18083

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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