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    Refining Result for an e-Book Title Search in Citation Linker

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Alma


    Why doesn’t an e-Book title search in Citation Linker return exact results?
    1. E-Book citation provided to a class: “History of Special Education.” Emerald Group Publishing; Ingram Digital. ISBN-13 9780857246295.
    2. Enter e-Book title in Citation Linker Book tab and search
    3. Result = No full-text found.
    4. Changed to search ISBN-13.
    5. Result = full-text found.
    6. Expected result = to be taken to full-text e-Book with search by title.


    * Citation Linker is based on the SFX KnowledgeBase.
    * The title search for this work should return results. In the originally reported problem, it was discovered that the title copy/paste included "Add to e-Shelf" as part of the title which prevented correct results from a title search.
    * When "Add to e-Shelf" was removed from the title, a multi-object SFX menu was returned - meaning there are several similar titles and the user can choose the desired object.
    * If ISBN is added to the search, an exact match is returned as there can be several books with the same (or similar) title, but there should be no books with an identical ISBN and different titles.

    Additional Information

    * Journal Title searches work in a similar fashion.
    * A search by journal title may return several Objects in an SFX selection menu.
    * A search by journal title and ISSN should result in a single match.

    * Citation Linker can be made available via the SFX menu rather than via the Primo menu. This might emphasize the connection to citation data more visible than can be made apparent in Primo.
    * Should Citation Linker remain in Primo, label changes can be made in the Citation Linker Label code table to emphasize the need for Citation data and the SFX/citation nature of the data.

    Category: Interoperability - Primo

    Subject: SFX - Primo

    • Article last edited: 7/24/2014
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