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    Report of titles in a collection

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Our university insurance company wants a list of titles held in each of our rare book collections.

    I see reports by item status but can't find any report that will list all of the titles in a certain collection.

    For example, I need Z30 collection "MDR" and at minimum author/title information sorted in some reasonable way.

    Since you have a WCO Word index built on the Collection field, you can do a wco = mdr search in either the Web OPAC or the GUI Search and save the results to the server. Or you could run p_ret_03, specifying wco = mdr as the Common Command Language phrase.

    Once you have the output file from this search or job in the $alephe_scratch directory, you can use it as input to whichever p_print job best meets your needs. See Knowledge Base record 8192-681 for a complete description of print jobs.

    If you don't like the way the output is sorted, you can input the file to the p_ret_21 ("Sort Catalog Records") job, and then use *that* job's output as input to the p_print_0x job.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013