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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Running circulation batch during campus closure

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Due to budget cuts, we are closing the library from Dec. 20 to Jan. 2 for the first time since we went live with Aleph.

    Tab17 has been updated and no books will be due during closure. However items overdue for 30 days or more will go to lost. How can we avoid items going to lost during closure? We don't want to be stuck reversing charges when we come back. Would stopping the circ batch from running be enough?

    You could do one of two things:

    1) As you suggest, comment out the entries for p_cir_51, etc., in the job_list and restart the job daemon; or

    2) Change the "L" lines in tab32 from 30 days to 47 days on Dec. 15. Thus, the setting of items due to be set to Lost on Dec. 16 will be postponed until after Jan. 2. Then, on Jan. 2, you can change the lines back to 30 days. (Or, if you want to stagger things a bit, change it to 38 days on Jan. 2, and then 30 days on Jan. 10.)

    The difference between 1) and 2) is that the overdue notices would continue to be sent with #2. You may not want that to happen either -- in which case #1 would be the better choice.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013