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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    SIP server doesn't respond to self-check machine

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    One of our colleges has purchased a Checkpoint unit that uses the SIP protocol. I have gone through the "How to Set UP an SIP2..." manual and I thought I had done what was needed.

    When they try to connect however, we are getting nowhere. His server sends a 99 and he says he just gets a 99 echo'd back. I don't see anything in the log fine in $LOGDIR other than the start-up message for the server.

    Since we see *no* reaction at all in the $LOGDIR/sip2_server_5331.log, this seems like a communication problem. As a test, can this Checkpoint machine connect to some other server?

    util w and "ps -ef | grep" confirm that there's a sip2 server running on port 5331.

    The last section in the "How to set up a sip2 server for self-check" describes communication set-up for 3M. Checkpoint is probably similar. Is the host IP address correct? Is the port 5331?

    [From site:] It looks like it couldn't handle a DNS name (or it was mis-spelled) because when we changed to a numeric IP address, we started communicating.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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