SLNP: Can borrowing requests on own material be blocked?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Is there a way to block borrowing requests for own material?
Currently these borrowing requests are assigned to ILL unit as partner. This should be prevented.
Library is using Sigel 123 and receives following SLNPPFLDatenAenderung from central ILL server:
slnp_ser_5441:IN 88 Mon 03-12-2012 09:14:16 SLNPPFLDatenAenderung;PFLNummer:000146111;Signatur:VOS42722;SigelGB:123;SLNPEndCommand;
This request is afterwards assigned to ILL unit ABC1.
This can not be prevented.
Additional Information
In ./alephe/tab/tab_sigel library has this line
3 123 ABC
This line is used by SLNP server to map sigel to ILL unit for lending requests.
But this line is also used for mapping between sigel and ILL partner for borrowing requests.
As this line should not be removed the only solution is to ask the central ILL server not to send such requests for own sigel.
Category: ILL2 (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013