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    SQL to locate items with fewer (or more) than x loans

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    List of books which have fewer (or more) than x loans (for weeding purposes).

    1. On server, vi items_with_fewer-more_than_x_loans.sql (it will initially be, non-existent/empty)
    2. Paste contents of attached file into items_with_fewer-more_than_x_loans.sql
    3. Change "XXXXX" to library's sublibrary code (in uppercase)
    4. Edit " HAVING COUNT(*) < '5' ": change sign to ">" or increase/decrease loan-count threshold
    5. s+ xxx50
    6. SQL> @items_with_fewer-more_than_x_loans.sql
    7. View the items_for_weeding.lst output

    Additional Information

    The z35_event_date could be used to limit the results retrieved to a particular time period.

    Note: If the z35 records have been deleted for the time period of interest, the z30_no_loan (the number of loans of the item) column might be used, though that is just a total; no way to look for the number of loans in the past x years.


    Attached file

    Category: System Management (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/30/2014