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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Saving bib record extremely slow

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    One of the 5 libraries in our consortium is experiencing a delay of up to 60 seconds when filing a record. There's no such delay either when this library files records in another xxx01 library.

    Description of problem in xxx01 in CAT module:

    Create a new record / Load a record from an external source
    Click 'save on server...' button
    Fix / override any doc validation errors

    Once 'Override' button is clicked, it could take up to 60 seconds before the record is filed and the system number appears. Networking and database matters have been ruled out at present as contributors. There are no clues in the pc_server log file.

    One cause of such slowness can be that one of the Oracle indexes for one of the tables involved in the update is not built properly.

    The update_docx program is called when a doc record is saved to the server.

    The tables involved the update of a bib and authority records are listed in SKB 8192-2329. You should do util a/17/14 for each of these tables, comparing the results to those for a library/server where you don't have the problem.

    (Note: other indexes are updated independently, by ue_01. These are also listed in SKB 8192-2329.)

    Additional Information

    saving, bibliographic record, slowness

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013