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    Searching titles/phrases with a number which includes a decimal

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have an item titled "China 2.0". We are able to search for this in the GUI, but not the OPAC. It seems it is not properly indexing the "2.0".

    The same with "WordPerfect version 6.0" and "web 2.0".

    If I take the period (".") out, that is ("china 20" and "WordPerfect version 60" and "web 20"), we retrieve the correct results.

    We see in sys01 tab11_word that the tab_word_breaking routine being used is "03", and that the sys01 tab_word_breaking has this line:

    03 # numbers

    The tab_word_breaking header says this:

    ! - numbers: compress a comma and a dot between numbers
    ! e.g. 100,000 and 100.000 -> 100000

    As a test, I made two changes to tab_word_breaking on our server:

    1. commenting out this "03 # numbers" line and

    2. removing the period from the "03 # to_blank":

    !03 # to_blank !@#$%^()_=[{]}\|;:",<.>?
    03 # to_blank !@#$%^()_=[{]}\|;:",<>?

    Then I stopped/restarted ue_01 and sent a record for indexing. The search "wrd = china 2.0" then worked.

    The question is whether there are cases where the "numbers" function has actually been useful to your users. It would seem that this normalization would be desirable, but it may be that it rarely actually occurs *in practice*....

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013