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    Sending requests from the Aleph ILL module to OCLC ILL using "Direct Request"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Overview of how sending requests from the Aleph ILL module to OCLC ILL using 'Direct Request' works

    With RC 003070, it is now possible to send requests from the Aleph ILL module to OCLC ILL using "Direct Request" (Direct-to-review). ILL Direct Request is a service that facilitates unmediated interlibrary loan. With Direct Request, ILL requests are created by an external source, and then sent to the OCLC Interlibrary Loan service. Direct-to-review requests are placed in the requesting institution's review file in the OCLC system.
    A new protocol type has been introduced - "OCLC Direct". An "OCLC Direct" Supplier must be configured to use this type of protocol.
    The following is the workflow when "OCLC Direct" is used:
    1. The library staff user adds the OCLC Direct supplier to a request, as done for regular suppliers.
    2. Aleph sends an APDU message to the OCLC Direct Supplier. The APDU message is a regular one, with an additional extension required by OCLC ILL.
    3. The request is transferred to OCLC and placed in the requesting institution's review file in the OCLC system.
    4. After the request is transferred to OCLC, the staff manages the request in OCLC. No updating is automatically done in Aleph ILL. Updates of OCLC Direct requests in Aleph ILL are done manually by the library staff and are under their responsibility.
    Related Documentation:
    For more details regarding "OCLC Direct Supplier", refer to the ILL User Guide."

    Implementation Notes:
    (1) As the request must contain an OCLC ILL authorization number and password in order to be accepted, the user name and password given by OCLC should be configured in ./alephe/tab/tab_ill_partner_conf table. For example:
    (2) Add the following lines to $alephe_tab/tab_ill_change_status_out:
    SV SHP
    WCR CA
    (3) If localization is required, add the following lines to $alephe_root/error_lng/pc_ill_c0868:
    0032 0000 L The "Claim" option is not relevant for OCLC request
    0033 0000 L The "Message" option is not relevant for OCLC request
    (4) Add the "OCLC Direct" protocol type to the file ./ILL_library/tab/pc_tab_exp_field.lng:

    Category: ILL

    • Article last edited: 8/4/2014