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    Separate overdue notices (with different wording) for media collection

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    [From ALEPH NA user list:]

    We’re using v16, and would like to somehow separate our media collection overdue notices from our book overdue notices. We’d like different wording on the media overdue notices, and would like them not to be interleaved with the book notices.

    Books and media are currently both in our SAU01 library and are in the same sub-library. I think that putting media in their own sub-library will let us do what we want to do with the overdue notices, but am wondering if there’s another way.

    We’re planning on upgrading to v19 sometime this year and wonder if it makes it any easier to do what we want to do without having to use a separate sub-library.

    [From Christine Moulen, MIT:]

    How do you identify the media collection? Is it a collection in Aleph? I don't think the overdue notices have any limits based on collection.

    What about item status? If you have a special item status for this collection, perhaps you could run the overdue letters first for this item status only, using a special letter format, then run them again specifying all item statuses, but also choosing at least 1-day since last notice, then it shouldn't include the item status that was already run today.
    I don't recall what version 16 had, but it appears version 18 could do this.

    If you don't have a special item status, that might still be easier to set up than a new sub-library.

    Another possibility might be, if you send separate overdue notices per item, to distinguish the media collection within the XSLT style sheet, and say if collection = media, use this text, otherwise, use this text.
    I don't think that would work well for summary letters though.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013