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    Sequence of statuses in tab15

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    In the past when an item was given an item process status the item status field in the gui item list and also the web opac was replaced with the item process status.
    So instead of e.g. 'loan' you saw 'sent to binder'. Now for some reason this is no longer the case: the item status remains fixed and the item process status doesn't overrule the item status in the display. Is this configurable?

    There was no change between versions. This is indeed configurable but not by a switch. The sequence of statuses in tab15 rules if item statuses or process statuses take precedence. We recommend to list the process statuses first: In this case the program will first find a matching process status and display it instead of the item status. If you list item statuses first and process statuses in the end of the table, then you see the behavior described in the question: item statuses take precedence over process statuses.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013