Services-submitted jobs don't run; batch queue doesn't work **MASTER RECORD**
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
Jobs submitted from the command line run OK, but jobs submitted from the ABCnn library GUI Services (or the job_list) don't run.
util c/1 shows that lib_batch is running.
The GUI Services says "Job submitted", but it does not actually show up in util c/1, util c/7, or in $aleph_scratch.
Another symptom can be that aleph_startup doesn't start the lib_batch batch queue process for this library.
[Short Answer:]
Do the following:
> dlib abc50
> df1
> mv lib_batch_log lib_batch_log.old
> mv que_batch que_batch.old
> mv batch_log batch_log.old
> touch batch_log
> util c/2 (to restart the batch queue)
[Long answer:]
"tail -300 que_batch" in the ./abc50/files/ directory showed that -- despite the fact that util c/7 did not show the job -- it *was* in the que_batch. This indicated some problem with the que_batch file.
I tried stopping the lib_batch using util c/3, but that did not work.
Therefore, I did this:
> dlib abc50
> df1
> mv lib_batch_log lib_batch_log.old
> mv que_batch que_batch.old
> mv batch_log batch_log.old
> touch batch_log
> util c/2 (to restart the batch queue)
(I did the touch on batch_log because, while the new, empty que_batch and lib_batch_log are recreated automatically when lib_batch is started, it seems that batch_log is not.)
After which, the batch queue worked OK: the Services-submitted jobs ran correctly and the lib_batch process was successfully started by aleph_startup.
See also Article 000044822 (Batch que won't shut down; lib_batch_log at 2 Gig; "lib_batch already running").
See this article for another reason that the batch que might fail to start.
Additional Information
Article link: Batch que won't shut down; lib_batch_log at 2 Gig; "lib_batch already running" .
See also Article 000038074 (Certain job_list job not running; batch queue gummed up ).
- Article last edited: 12/24/2014